About agency

Dear colleagues and dear friends!

In the ongoing processes of international globalization and integration, incl. in the market of qualifications and education, the issues of the quality of vocational education, the competitiveness of educational organizations and their graduates, are becoming key for Russian universities, colleges, business organizations, enterprises and the country’s economy as a whole.

The policy and the main strategic objective of the Russian Register when working with educational organizations is to provide high-quality services in the field of confirming the conformity of the quality of educational programs and organizations in general, their management systems at the national and international levels, thanks to which universities and colleges can increase the efficiency and competitiveness of their activities and conquer new markets for their educational services. Actively participating in international standardization, accreditation, certification processes, we strive not only to provide Russian Register clients with access to the most advanced tools for effective management of educational processes, reduce costs, improve the quality and competitiveness of graduates and services, but also jointly defend the interests of Russian education at the national and international markets.

Actively participating in international standardization, accreditation, certification processes, we strive not only to provide Russian Register clients with access to the most advanced tools for effective management of educational processes, reduce costs, improve the quality and competitiveness of graduates and services, but also jointly defend the interests of Russian education at the national and international markets. I have no doubt that in the person of Russian Register you will find a reliable partner who will be useful to you in solving complex and multifaceted tasks of continuous improvement of the quality of education. Consolidation of the efforts of the state, universities and colleges, industrial and business circles, youth and students, the public and leading accreditation centers of Russia will be able to guarantee the quality of Russian education, the dynamic growth of the Russian economy and the welfare of society as a whole, which is the leitmotif of the work both for me personally and and for the entire professional team of Russian Register.

Владимирцев Аркадий Владимирович
Vladimirtsev Arkady Vladimirovich
Head of the Agency for Independent Assessment of the Quality of Education “Russian Register”, General Director of the Certification Association “Russian Register”

Our story


Russian Register started cooperation with educational organizations.


Successful experience in training employees of educational organizations and certification of quality management systems for educational activities at Russian universities has been accumulated, which made it possible to take part in the development and implementation of an intra-university education quality management system in universities, using the model of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys as an example.


With the participation of employees of the Russian Register in the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” developed a Standard (integrated model) of the quality management system of an educational institution. The presented model is based on the integration of the requirements of the European quality standards for higher education ENQA-ESG and the international standard ISO 9001, which establishes the criteria for a quality management system.

The active participation of the Russian Register in the implementation of the Model (integrated model) quality management system of an educational institution in universities and colleges resulted in the establishment of interaction with the Education Quality Coordination Council of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.


Establishment of the Russian Register Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – the Agency for Evaluating the Quality of Vocational Education.

The register of certified organizations of the Russian Register includes more than 250 records for educational and scientific organizations. The register of accredited educational programs includes 436 programs that have passed the procedure of professional public accreditation and 149 programs that have received recognition under international accreditation.

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