Grant activities

Erasmus+ is an EU program aimed at supporting education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The program has a budget of 14.7 billion Euros to provide opportunities for more than 4 million Europeans to study abroad. Erasmus+ provides learning opportunities for people of all ages, helping them to develop and share knowledge and experience in various organizations in different countries. The aim of the program is to provide a contribution to the implementation of the European Strategy 2020 for growth, employment and social equity.

The program has a significant number of projects that differ both in their scope implementation, and support schemes. Information about how the Erasmus+ program is being implemented in Russia, about holding seminars/webinars, consultations on applications and other important information is posted on the website of the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia.

In 2019 for the first time Russian Register tried its hand at preparing a comprehensive application for participation in the Capacity building project and an application for participation in the Jean Monnet – Support to associations.

As a result, both applications successfully passed the selection, and at the present time both projects are being implemented in the Russian Register for a period of 3 years, having acronyms ALLVET and REAL.

In 2021, Russian Register became a partner of the project under the acronym SMARTI approved by the European Union in 2020. SMARTI brings together 15 academic and professional partners from the European Union, Russia and Armenia. The lead partner of the project is the Technical University of Dresden (TUD).

REAL project

Quality Assurance in Russian Higher Education: integration with European approaches – integration into European space [REAL]

No. 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-EN-EPPJMO-SUPPA

ALLVET project

HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building [ALLVET]

No. 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

SMARTI project

Support for Innovative Methodology, Approaches and Tools for Teaching through the Medium of English in order to improve Educational Yield, Sustainability and Internationalization [SMARTI]

No. 617489-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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