International conferences

The Russian Register takes part in international conferences, forums and assemblies held annually for INQAHEE, APQN, and ENQA communities.

In addition to participating in networking events, the Agency’s staff strive to use any opportunity to convey information to the stakeholders, communicate with the partners, and express their point of view on issues related to the assessment of the quality of education.

Traditionally the Russian Register participates in the events of the Eurasian Scientific Forum. The forum was established more than 10 years ago by the Nobel Prize winner, Academician Zh.I. ALFEROV and Rector of the University “EurAsEC” I.Zh. ISKAKOV. Now scientific management is carried out by S.Yu. GLAZYEV, Member of the Board (Minister) of the EEC.

St. Petersburg State University of Economics annually holds the International Conference “National concepts of quality: technical regulations and standardization in the development of the digital economy” (2021). The focus of the discussion changes from year to year, reflecting the most important and topical issues for the conference participants. For example, in 2020 it was “National Quality Concept: Training for the Management”. Russian Register led the round table discussion on the topic “Sustainable Development of Russian Higher Education: Integration into the European Higher Education Area”.

St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the Presidential Library annually holds International Conference “Design of University Education: Strategic Directions for Transformation and New Development Models”, which is also popular among the staff of the Russian Register.

In accordance with the plans of project activities, within EU Erasmus + programme, Russian Register participates in conferences organized by its Erasmus+ projects partners. In 2021, they issued the conference proceedings of the International Conference in Kazakhstan “Project ALLVET for the transfer of the principles of the Bologna process and a competency-based approach to the VET system based on an effective alliance of higher and vocational education”.

In September 2024, the Russian Register is the operator of the annual APQN conference, which is dedicated to discussing and developing a quality assurance system for higher education in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference traditionally brings together representatives of universities, national education quality control authorities, and independent quality assurance agencies from around the world, giving them the opportunity to discuss important issues and share their experiences.

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