Modern educational institutions need effective management tools that can be used to flexibly and quickly solve the numerous and diverse tasks that their management has to deal with on every day basis.
To achieve effective management, it is necessary to build a management system based on quality management system. It organizes the internal business and academic and research space of educational institutions and defines the rules, which can lead to the best result at the lowest cost.
What will be the management system depends only on educational institution. How it corresponds to the goals that the University management sets for it, can be assessed by an independent party – a certification body for management systems. To trust the results of such an assessment, it is important to choose a reliable certification body capable of not only auditing the management system in accordance with the requirements of a particular standard, but also stimulating the further development of the system, its improvement, and the search for new tools.
The Russian Register is such a certification body for management systems. It offers the services for certification of quality management systems of educational institutions for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 in the Certification System of the Russian Register with accreditation by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation) / ISO 9001 in the Certification System of the Russian Register .
The benefits from the implementation of the requirements of the Standard and external evaluation of the system:
- increasing customer satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements;
- improving the efficiency of the organization’s internal processes;
- continuous improvement of the organization’s processes by identifying and eliminating losses in the implementation of activities;
- improvement of internal communications, planning mechanism and distribution of material resources;
- increasing staff motivation through transparency and clarity of functional duties;
- enrichment of personnel knowledge in the field of quality;
- reducing costs by increasing productivity, improving the quality of manufactured products, services rendered and reducing the level of defectiveness;
- continuous improvement of the institution’s activities through the use of modern quality management tools;
- increasing the competitiveness of the institution at national and international levels.
It is possible to apply for the certification on-line.