Our role

The Agency for the Assessement of Tertiary and Vocational Education was established in 2015 as a part of Certification Association “Russian Register”. The Agency is a recognized authority in the Russian Federation and abroad, responsible for its stakeholders.

Our strategic vision

Our strategic vision is the continuous improvement of ​​our activities, based on the culture and philosophy of quality.

Our values

Our values ​​are the knowledge and experience of our Agency, a positive and innovative approach, the professionalism and competence of the staff, and observance with the code of ethics.

The mission of the Agency as a part of the Russian Register, as a signatory of the UN Global Compact, is to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted for the world and all countries for 2016-2030: to provide inclusive and equitable quality education and promote the development of lifelong learning opportunities for all. In the context of growing international competition for the quality of education, the Agency, within the framework of expert and accreditation activities, strengthens the positions of Russian educational institutions of tertiary education, promotes effective investment in the educational system of the Russian Federation, improves the educational environment and the opportunities for self-fulfillment of the population. The Agency stimulates the formation of such human capital that can meet the needs of modern innovative production and the digital, knowledge-based economy of Russia.

Our goals:

  • provide inclusive and equitable quality education;
  • promote the development of lifelong learning opportunities for all;
  • promote the competitiveness of the Russian education;
  • enhance effective investment in the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • improve the educational environment;
  • provide opportunities for self-fulfillment of the population;
  • improve the formation of human capital to meet the needs of modern innovative production and the digital, knowledge-based economy of Russia.

Our policy in the field of Quality

We strive to work diligently and purposefully to create a wide range of opportunities for high quality education that allows students to fulfill their potential by acquiring the desired degrees.

We create public confidence in the quality of the services that we provide, the integrity and reputation of educational institutions by sharing the necessary information with the stakeholders.

We believe that our priorities and goals are best achieved through collaboration and partnership, that is why we value mutually beneficial partnerships.

We promise to be fair, transparent, and sustainable in our work. It is the basis for decision making, aligned with our policies, procedures and activities. Our decisions are based on objective evidence, as well as best national and international experience. We make transparent and credible decisions. We strive for innovation and excellence in our organization.

We value new ideas and sharing knowledge. We cooperate with national and international stakeholders, cooperate with them and provide them with information. We conduct research in quality assurance in tertiary education and report the results of these studies using all available channels of information.

We work with representatives of the student community, and we cooperate with them in our work.

We develop initiatives to improve the education system and organize events aimed at sharing best practices with the stakeholders. At the level of national policy, our goal is to promote greater national coherence and mobility between educational institutions in vocational and tertiary education, to provide a variety of trajectories that allow students to develop their individual talents.

At the international level, our goal is to contribute to integration processes in the global world.

The Russian Register has developed internal quality assurance mechanisms, which have been regularly updated under the influence of external challenges (for example, COVID 19) to ensure greater efficiency.

The evaluation of internal and external activities is transparent and allows determining whether these results are consistent with the goals of the organization and its sustainable development.

Based on the evaluation results, we develop the measures for improvement. All staff members of the Agency can propose their initiative, since the quality policy of the Russian Register is known and understood by all staff of the Agency, for this purpose it is distributed throughout the organization and is available to all the stakeholders.

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St. Petersburg

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