The Russian Register is a full member of the international higher education quality assurance networks INQAHEE and APQN, and has an affiliated status with ENQA. In 2017, the Russian Register was included in the Asia-Pacific Quality Register (APQR). This is an analogue of the European register of recognized agencies for quality assurance of higher education, the inclusion in which requires regular (every 5 years) confirmation of its membership.
To carry out independent accreditations of the quality of education according to international standards, the Russian Register ensures the availability of the experts of various categories by concluding cooperation agreements with various national and international organizations.
Partner Universities, including Tver State Technical University, I.I. Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University, Open University of Switzerland, University at the IPA EurAsEC not only nominate their staff to the expert pool of academic experts of the Russian Register, but also establish, if necessary, communication to conduct relevant seminars, training, or other events. International experts are nominated by international QA Agencies, which Russian Register cooperates with. These are FIBAA (Germany), ASIIN (Germany) ACQUIN (Germany), ANACEC (Moldova), ANQA (Armenia), IAAR (Kazakhstan) and ECAQA (Kazakhstan), ASHE (Croatia), AACCUP (Philippines). The Russian Register is constantly expanding partnership and inviting the Agencies from India, China, and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to cooperate.
The partnership with employers’ associations allows Russian Register to invite experts from the professional community, who are well-informed regarding the relevant trends in industry. These enterprises can employ university graduates. These are the following enterprises and organizations: Opora Rossii, Industrial Development Fund of the Republic of Mordovia, All-Russian Industry Association of Railway Transport Employers, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Union “Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kaluga Region”, Union “Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kronstadt”, Union “Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, Regional Association of Employers “Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad Region”, etc.)
The Russian Register has cooperation agreements with the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Institute for Quality of the Federal Service for Healthcare, which allows for the accreditation of postgraduate degree programmes, as well as the involvement of the experts in the accreditation of degree programmes in Medicine.
The representatives of the student community are also important elements of the expert pool, and since 2017, not only partner universities, but also the All-Russian Public Organization “For the Quality of Education” have delegated their students to the Russian Register.
The Russian Register is a recognized accreditation body, as evidenced by the registers of accrediting organizations on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as the register located at
The Russian Register is included in the register of Independent Accreditation of Higher Education located at and takes the second position in the rating of accreditation Agencies.