A high level of education is the basis of the competitiveness of the country and a high standard of living for the population. Therefore, the problems of ensuring the quality of education and its objective assessment are of concern to the professional and expert communities, clients and representatives of authorities in any industry.
The current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and labor establishes a combination of various types of assessment procedures (accreditation) and their mechanisms that form the system of education:
- internal and external (in relation to the educational institution),
- degree programme, institutional or qualification (regarding objects of accreditation),
- state and independent (regarding the entities carrying out the accreditation),
- sectoral, national, and international (regarding the level and status of the accreditation).
For example, Federal State Educational Standard 3++ determines the responsibility for ensuring the quality of training of students for an educational institution, introducing tools for both internal and external procedures for assessing the quality of education.
The Agency for the Assessement of Tertiary and Vocational Education, is recognized in Russia and abroad as an independent expert/accreditation organization for quality assessments with extensive experience in working with educational institutions and a wide range of national and international recognitions. It supports the intentions of educational institutions and fulfills the requirements of the federal legislation in the field of education by carrying out the following activities:
- professional and public accreditation of degree programmes in accordance with the requirements of Federal law 96 FZ-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation, Federal State Educational Standard 3 ++;
- international accreditation for compliance with the principles and standards of international, European networks of the quality assurance in Higher education (ESG-ENQA), and in pursuance of the requirements of monitoring the international activities of universities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the provisions of Federal law 96 FZ-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation;
- certification of the quality management system of educational institutions as a tool for ensuring and developing an internal quality assessment system in pursuance of theaccreditation indicators approved by Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 1094 dated 11/25/2021;
- support for internal quality assessment system in accordance with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 1094 dated November 25, 2021;
- training of employees of educational institutions and experts of the Agency how to perform the above mentioned activities (submit an application);
- research and publications in the field of higher education.