The Russian Register is a full member of the international higher education quality assurance networks INQAHEE and APQN and has an affiliated status with ENQA.
To strengthen communication, overcome identified problems and develop common approaches to quality assurance, network registries of quality assurance agencies have been created, for example, the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education EQAR and the Asia-Pacific Region (APQR).
In Europe, there are European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), in the Asia-Pacific region, it is the Chiba Principles, and GGP UNESCO, an international INQAHEE guide for good practice. These documents regulate the general principles of the formation of national quality assurance systems, the relationship of the main stakeholders. When developing their own standards and models for assessing the quality of education, QA Agencies apply the above standards, first integrating them with national requirements and / or other international standards, for example, the ISO family.
The Russian Register participates in workshops, seminars, webinars, and other events offered for network members. As one of the interested parties, Russian Register participates in field surveys, the purposes of which are very diverse. For example, the standard for online learning offered by APQN and published on the website in 2021 was developed based on the results of such a study. The Russian Register submits information about important events, which is included in the news bulletins of the quality assurance networks’ and is published on the website.