Meeting of the International Accreditation Council on July 9

Заседание Международного Аккредитационного Совета 9 июля

On July 9, a regular meeting of the International Accreditation Council (IAC) on the quality of education was held. Arkady Vladimirtsev, General Director of the Russian Register Certification Association, delivered a welcoming speech.

Evgenia Korneva, coordinator of the program for independent assessment of the quality of education, made a report on the results of the accreditation examination of the educational program of the Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. According to the results of an open vote, the members of the council decided to accredit the educational program of the Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for a period of 5 years.

The members of the Council also took part in the expert session “On ensuring and evaluating the quality of medical activities: international and Russian trends, their support by the Russian Registry and its partners” at which they made presentations:

  • Svetlana Antonova with theses on quality management as a tool for implementing the state strategy for the development of healthcare in the Russian Federation, highlighting global health problems and goals for creating sustainable and high-quality healthcare systems, international standards applicable to the activities of a medical organization and the main priorities and goals of the Russian Federation in this context.
  • Oleg Kulikov on the international and national foundations for ensuring and evaluating the quality and safety of medical activities, in particular such aspects as national quality policies and strategies, the content of quality medical care, requirements for the quality management system of national regulatory authorities.
  • Claudia Conson on foreign experience and the importance of the role of medical personnel in achieving qualitative indicators of patient well-being, a human-centered approach in modern medicine, methods of working with patients based on human-centered principles.
  • Irina Zaika on the application of quality-based management practices and quality tools in the activities of medical organizations, on the wide scope of the ISO 7101-2023 standard, its integration with JCI standards, problems of quality of information transmission and leadership in medical organizations, communication of quality management systems of a medical organization according to the requirements of ISO 7101-2023 standard and internal control systems quality control and safety of medical activities.

Based on the results of the discussions during the expert session, the Council adopted and approved a resolution.

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