The added value of the accreditations, recognitions, partnerships of the Russian Register can provide educational institutions with various opportunities.
Russian Register operates in a variety of industries (automobile, railway, shipbuilding, aviation and aerospace, oil and gas, food, military-industrial complex, education, medicine and pharmaceuticals, energy, IT industry, etc.), so the Agency is able to attract competent experts in most industries for accreditation purposes (groups of areas of training / specialties), ensuring the compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and labor and adding value to the accreditation procedures.
The Agency is constantly expanding partnership, memorandums and cooperation agreements with stakeholders in terms of accreditation procedures, training of experts and holding joint projects and open events, incl. with regional structures of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, industry Boards for professional qualifications, public youth and industry organizations. It maintains and builds up international cooperation with accreditation agencies around the world (Russia, India, Germany, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, etc.).
Having passed the procedure of international accreditation in our Agency, for each degree programme the educational institution receives a Certificate of international accreditation of the Russian Register or a foreign Agency – a member of ENQA, APQN. Besides, it obtains:
- strengthening the image of an educational institution and increasing the competitiveness of the degree programmes in the international market of educational services and research;
- the possibility of increasing the number of international students from various countries and regions, the growth of academic mobility;
- a way to stimulate and facilitate cooperation between accredited universities and their programs, incl. other countries in the Asia-Pacific region/EU;
- identification of problem areas in ensuring the quality assurance of education, development of recommendations to eliminate the identified problem areas;
- grounds for developing a program to improve the quality and strengthen the guarantees of the quality of education, including the identification of resource areas for development and the development of recommendations for creating a reliable portfolio of competitive advantages of an educational institutions in the international market of educational services
- promoting the development at the university of an intra-university system of education quality assurance that meets the requirements of international standards for assessing the quality of education;
- formation of the competencies of the employees of the educational organization for conducting internal audit, self-assessment, introduction of modern approaches to the administration of educational processes into the practice of the work of faculty members;
- formation of an effective mechanism for demonstrating guarantees of the quality of education and responsibility to stakeholders;
- positioning of the university and its degree programmes on the international/European scale of education quality;
- Creation/development of resource centers for practice-oriented training.