Background for the Agency’s activities

The added value of the accreditations, recognitions, partnerships of the Russian Register can provide educational institutions with various opportunities.

Russian Register operates in a variety of industries (automobile, railway, shipbuilding, aviation and aerospace, oil and gas, food, military-industrial complex, education, medicine and pharmaceuticals, energy, IT industry, etc.), so the Agency is able to attract competent experts in most industries for accreditation purposes (groups of areas of training / specialties), ensuring the compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and labor and adding value to the accreditation procedures. The Agency is constantly expanding the range of partnerships, interactions, cooperation agreements with stakeholders in terms of accreditation procedures, training of experts and holding joint projects and open events, incl. regional structures of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Industry Boards for professional qualifications, public youth and industry organizations.

Having passed the procedure of professional and public accreditation in our Agency, an educational institution receives a certificate  of professional and public accreditation of the declared degree programmes and / or areas of training, as well as:

  • Priority in allocating enrollment numbers to degree programmes, including programmes that have received professional and public accreditation;
  • priority in participation of educational institutions with degree programmes that have received professional and public accreditation in providing state support, including in the areas of support for the export of Russian education, as well as within the framework of state financing of Career Development Programmes;
  • mitigation (exclusion) of part of the requirements associated with the passage of state control (supervision) procedures, or consideration when degree programmes undergo state accreditation;
  • certification by the professional community and employers of the compliance of the level of equality of the graduates and the conditions for the implementation of degree programmes with modern demands of the labor market and professional standards;
  • increasing competitiveness and strengthening the image of an educational institution and degree programmes in the market of educational services;
  • strengthening the internal quality assurance system and improving the quality of learning outcomes.

In pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2017 N 431 “On the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional degree programms, basic professional training programmes and (or) additional professional programmes”, the Agency can be found in the following lists:

  • The list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of degree programmes of higher education and (or) relevant additional professional programmes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation – information on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, position No. 14 in the list.
  •  The list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of vocation programmes and (or) relevant additional professional programs, basic vocational training programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation – information on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, position No. 31 in the list


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