

  1. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2022). The role of higher education institution’s partnership in sustainable development. Standards and Quality, 11, 50-55.
  2. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2022). ESG culture of companies: history, status, assessment. Standards and Quality, 8, 58-63.
  3. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2023). Corporate sector and academic environment: Issues of interaction. Standards and Quality, 8, 82-85.
  4. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2023). Education and business: Points of intersection in ESG transformation. Standards and Quality, 2, 87-91.
  5. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2023). Improving the quality of management personnel: Corporate sector solutions. Standards and Quality, 7, 92-98.
  6. Izmailova, M. A., & Korneva, E. Y. (2023). Issues of implementing educational programs in the university within cluster 44.00.00 education and pedagogical sciences: From the experience of professional-public accreditation. Education and Society, 1(138), 45-55.
  7. Izmailova, M. A., Korneva, E. Y., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2023). Quality of education as a guarantee of stakeholder satisfaction. Standards and Quality, 8, 72-75.
  8. Izmailova, M. A., Korneva, E. Y., & Makolov, V. I. (2023). Talent management as a strategic resource for company development: History and contemporary issues. Electronic Scientific and Educational Journal History, 14(4), 126.


  1. Izmailova, M.A., Korneva, E.Y. (2022). Problems of higher education quality and its social mission. Standards and Quality, № 3, 100-103.
  2. Izmailova, M.A., Korneva, E.Y., Ziganshin, B.G., Dmitriev, A.V., & Mardanov, R.Kh. (2022). International higher education: quality issues and development prospects. Bulletin of Kazan State Agrarian University, 17(2), 124-130.
  3. Izmailova, M.A., Korneva, E.Y., Ziganshin, B.G., Dmitriev, A.V., & Mardanov, R.Kh. (2022). University-business partnership in education quality assessment. Bulletin of Kazan State Agrarian University, 17(4), 151-158.
  4. Izmailova, M.A., Topchyan, R.V., Korneva, E.Y., Salimova, T.A., Zvezdova, A.B., & Gyulazyan, V.A. (2022). Approbation and piloting of procedures for international accreditation of educational programs. Part 3. Standards and Quality, № 10, 104-109.
  5. Izmailova, M.A., Topchyan, R.V., Korneva, E.Y., Salimova, T.A., Zvezdova, A.B., & Gyulazyan, V.A. (2022). Approbation and piloting of procedures for international accreditation of educational programs. Part 1. Standards and Quality, № 8, 70-75.
  6. Izmailova, M.A., Topchyan, R.V., Korneva, E.Y., Salimova, T.A., Zvezdova, A.B., & Gyulazyan, V.A. (2022). Approbation and piloting of procedures for international accreditation of educational programs. Part 2. Standards and Quality, № 9, 90-94.
  7. Korneva, E.Y., & Puzankova, E.N. (2022). Analysis of the results of international accreditation (IA): from the experience of the quality assessment agency of the certification association “Russian Register.” Scientific Notes of Orel State University, (3), 192-197.
  8. Zvezdova, A., Safonkina, O., & Korneva, E. (2022). Establishing QA For Erasmus+ Project Management. In Anthology of 2022 APQN Academic Conference in Singapore (pp. 182-188).


  1. Vladimirtsev, A., Safonkina, O., Korneva, E., & Zvezdova, A. (2021). Independent Assessment of Education Quality: Prospects for Digitization. In An Anthology of Selected Papers of APQN Annual Academic Conference, November 25, 2021, Singapore (Virtual Event) (pp. 111-120).
  2. Zvezdova, A., & Safonkina, O. (2021). QA in the Allvet Project: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. In Digest of Papers of International Conference “The ALLVET project transfers the principles of the Bologna Process and the competence-based approach to the TVET system through an effective alliance of higher and secondary vocational education,” conducted as part of the ALLVET project (HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principles implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building; 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), funded by Erasmus +, Almaty, 2021. Retrieved from
  3. Izmailova, M.A., & Korneva, E.Y. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Education. Standards and Quality, (5), 100-105.


  1. Izmailova, M.A., & Korneva, E.Yu. (2020). Integration of procedures of independent quality assessment of education: problems and solutions. Standards and Quality, 12, 84-87.
  2. Izmailova, M.A., & Korneva, E.Yu. (2020). Methodological approaches to external independent assessment of higher education quality. Standards and Monitoring in Education, 8(5), 9-13.
  3. Izmailova, M.A., Korneva, E.Yu., Makolov, V.I., & Salimova, T.A. (2020). Mechanisms and procedures for quality assurance in higher education in the context of European approaches implementation. Integration of Education, 24(3), 377-395.
  4. Korneva, E.Yu. (2020). “Quality Assurance in Russian Higher Education: Integration with European Approaches – Integration into European Space” – Implementation and Results. National Quality Concept: Training of Management Personnel (pp. 315-318). Saint Petersburg.
  5. Korneva, E.Yu., & Izmailova, M.A. (2020). Development of an approach to integrating external independent assessment procedures for higher education quality assurance: risk analysis and elimination. Standards and Monitoring in Education, 8(4), 8-12.
  6. Korneva, E.Yu., & Izmailova, M.A. (2020). Quality assurance of European agencies for higher education assessment. Standards and Quality, 6, 98-102.
  7. Korneva, E.Yu., Katauskayte, L.A., & Izmailova, M.A. (2020). Creating an approach to external independent assessment of higher education quality to ensure mobility, competitiveness, and integration into the EHEA. National Quality Concept: Training of Management Personnel (pp. 319-324). Saint Petersburg.
  8. Skakovskaya, L.N., Katauskayte, L.A., & Korneva, E.Yu. (2020). Development of the education quality assessment system in a university (the case of Tver State University). National Quality Concept: State and Public Protection of Consumer Rights (pp. 338-342). Saint Petersburg.
  9. Zvezdova, A.B., Korneva, E.Yu., & Turovskaya, M.S. (2020). Quality assessment model for stakeholders within the integration into the European Higher Education Area. National Quality Concept: Training of Management Personnel (pp. 306-310). Saint Petersburg.


  1. Korneva, E. Y., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2019). Education quality assessment: what the state demands. Standards and Quality, 10, 60-63.
  2. Silaeva, V. V., Semenov, V. P., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2019). Algorithmization of internal quality management systems of educational organizations based on international standards. Quality Management, Transport, and Information Security, Information Technologies: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference (pp. 299-302).
  3. Vladimirtsev, A., Zvezdova, A., Silaeva, V., Korneva, E., & Safonkina, O. (2019). Innovative technologies for establishing an institutional system for quality assurance and its independent assessment. In An Anthology of Selected Papers of APQN Annual Academic Conference, March 28-31, 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka (pp. 31-37).
  4. Zvezdova, A. B., Korneva, E. Y., & Silaeva, V. V. (2019). Independent assessment of education quality within the consumer rights protection system. National Quality Concept: State and Public Consumer Rights Protection. Collection of thesis reports from an international scientific-practical conference (pp. 21-25). Edited by E.A. Gorbashko.


  1. Azaryeva, V. V., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2018). Independent education quality assessment: Problems and prospects. Education Quality in Eurasia, 6, 5-17.
  2. Azaryeva, V. V., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2018). Independent education quality assessment: Problems and prospects. Education Quality in Eurasia, 6, 5-17.
  3. Silaeva, V. V., Semenov, V. P., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2018). Creating a management system of an educational organization based on the principles and requirements of the new international standard ISO 21001:2018. Innovations. Education, 5(156), 5-11.
  4. Silaeva, V. V., Semenova, V. P., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2018). Creating a management system of an educational organization based on the principles and requirements of the new international standard ISO 21001:2018. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 5, 5.
  5. Silaeva, V., Zvezdova, A., Vladimirtsev, A., & Dolgikh, I. (2018). Independent assessment of qualifications as an element of the national system for external education quality assurance. In Capacity Building for Next Generation Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Materials of APQN Conference and AGM (pp. 127-133).
  6. Zvezdova, A. B., & Silaeva, V. V. (2018). Creating added value for consumers through the conduct of professional-public accreditation of educational programs. In National Quality Concept: State and Public Protection of Consumer Rights. Conference proceedings. (pp. 30-34). Saint Petersburg State University of Economics.


  1. Azaryeva, V. V., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2017). Research of educational organizations’ experience in the field of internal quality assurance in education. Innovations. Education, 8(147), 3-6.
  2. Azaryeva, V. V., Vladimirtsev, A. V., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2017). Independent education quality assessment system as a comprehensive approach to external quality assurance. Quality Assurance, 2-3, 68-75.
  3. Korneva, E. Y., & Zvezdova, A. B. (2017). Integration of business and education in the procedures of independent education quality assessment. In National Quality Concepts: Integration of Education, Science, and Business: Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Ed. E. A. Gorbashko, pp. 87-90).

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