On January 18-19, an online audit of the Agency for the Assessment of the Quality of Vocational Education by APQR took place

18-19 января прошла онлайн проверка Агентства по оценке качества профессионального образования со стороны APQR

On January 18-19, 2024, an online APQR review of the Agency for the Assessment of Tertiary and Vocational Education took place at the Central Office of the Russian Register. The Agency was established in 2015 as a part of Certification Association “Russian Register”.

According to the decision of Dr. Jagannath Patil, Chairperson of APQR, the expert group was led by Fabrizio Trifiro, Member of the Board of Directors of INQAAHE, Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Quality Control of the British company ENIC/ECCTIS, Member of the Accreditation Committee of the British Accreditation Council (BAC).

The other members of the expert commission were Dr. Timur Y. Kanapyanov, Member of the Board of Directors of APQN, Deputy General Director for International Cooperation of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Ratings (IAAR, Kazakhstan) and Mrs. Umankulova Onolkan, President, Education Quality Assurance Agency “EdNet” in Kyrgyzstan, a member of the Board of Directors of APQN.

The audit took place in a friendly atmosphere; the staff of the Russian Register and the representatives of the stakeholders involved upon the request of the reviewers felt a positive approach.

Over the coming months, a report on the results of the review will be received; the Agency looking forward to the resubmission of its membership in the APQR register of recognized agencies.

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